• Pouring Hot Asphalt on the Road


Reach out to our crack sealing contractor serving Bellefontaine, Springfield & Marysville, OH and all surrounding areas

Don't ignore cracks in your driveway. R. Hullinger Asphalt Sealcoating provides crack sealing services throughout Bellefontaine, Springfield & Marysville, OH. Using a hot or cold crack filler, we'll treat and fill in the damage quickly and accurately.

You won't regret choosing us as your go-to crack sealing contractor. Let us know if you have any questions.


Should you choose a hot or cold crack filler?

Let R. Hullinger Asphalt Sealcoating handle the cracks in your driveway. Choose between our hot or cold crack filler when you schedule our crack sealing services. Unsure which filler to choose? Cold crack fillers come in a liquid form and can be applied right to your surface. Hot crack fillers are used by the city to repair highways and tend to last longer. This material can get as hot as 500 degrees and must be applied by a machine.

Count on us to help you choose the best filler for the job at hand.

Connect with a professional crack sealing contractor today - call (866) 960-9729 to make an appointment.

  • Asphalt Crack Sealing

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